Monday, October 03, 2005

Political Stupidity

Is the point of politics to force everyone around you to take your view? Me, I don't push my political views on anyone. In fact, I could care less if someone shares my political views. I rarely mention politics in conversation, and avoid the topic as much as possible when it comes up. Why? Because I don't give a crap what you think about politics and I doubt you really care what I think, either.

Here are a few annoying examples:

1. I haven't voted on a local, state or federal level for at least 10 years. Why? It's none of your damn business. But, to all of you freaks that push your liberal, freedom-fighting, whatever- you-call-it political views on me, here is my response: why is it that you push everyone to "fight for your rights," but when it comes to me not voting, "oh, that's not a right, it's a responsibility." Why do I have to exercise my right or responsibility when you tell me to? I don't. That's the point of having a right.

2. Why does everyone act like they have the inside track on political motivations? Like with hurricane Katrina, "oh, it's Bush's fault." Or, "oh, the state government knew it was going to happen but did nothing." Or, the best yet, "oh, actually, 'they' knew the city would flood years ago, but they didn't tell anyone." Like you know anything. Just because you listen to NPR or read US News, or whatever your "cool" source of "inside" news is, you only know what they tell you to know. You don't have the inside track to anything other than your radio or news stand (along with the millions of other robots just like you).

3. And, last, but not least, why is it that Christian politics involve so much hate, judgment, condemnation, hypocrisy and self-righteousness? Now, before you jump on the bandwagon (or stand in offense) know this - I am a Christian and have been nearly all my life. I believe in Jesus. I believe every word of the bible. But, what does that have to do with it? I'm not taking up the cause against Christianity or Christian politics, and I'm not saying that just because someone is a Christian, all of their political views and methods are correct. I'm simply pointing out a fact. The world believes Christians are hateful, judgmental, condemning, hypocritical, and self-righteous. Sometimes Christian politics send that message. That's all.

Just some late evening ramblings.

~ Brock

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