Monday, September 12, 2005

While You Were Jacking Copyrights, Kazaa Was Jacking You

A recent article stated,
"Kazaa's software has been downloaded 317 million times since and its users download three billion files a year. In contrast, the most successful legitimate music download service, iTunes, had racked up 500,000 paid-for song downloads by July, two years after it opened."
The numbers are unbelievable. Now I'm no math wizard, but I think that means 1 legal download for every 10,000 illegal ones. Still, it's hard to believe that only 500,000 legal downloads have occurred. Does anyone know if this number is accurate?

Going on, the same article also stated,
"But as impressive as the numbers are, Kazaa stopped being relevant as a major file-sharing force a couple of years ago when music downloaders began to find themselves swamped with the unwanted adware and spyware that was bundled into Kazaa software downloads."
I have read many times about the problem with spyware/adware, but had no idea Kazaa ever "stopped being relevant." This can only mean one of two things: 1) the author just made that up; or 2) if Kazaa is irrelevant, then iTunes is...what's less thank nonexistent? It hasn't made a dent. It is like a salt crystal in the world ocean.

And finally,
"Nothing comes for free, even unauthorised file downloads. Kazaa's owner since 2002, Sharman Networks, has pushed the Kazaa desktop as "the gateway to an online audience of millions" for advertisers."
I guess what it all boils down to is Kazaa was out to screw you (the copyright owner) and you (the copyright downloader) from day one. This was always about advertising dollars and never about fighting the "man" (copyright law).

~ Brock


J@VLG said...

WAIT WAIT WAIT...please check this guys facts...WTF is this guy talking about...Is this the Lying Free Press....500K...I don'think this correct. This needs clarification at least. I think iTunes has sold over 100 MILLION downloads. I'll try to confirm.
Regardless, it is still a small piece but it is growing.


J@VLG said...

Steve Jobs is reporting 1.8 million a day...500 million total.


Brock Shinen, Esq. said...

I didn't write the article, but it seems they missed a few zeros. Well, if it's 500,000,000, then Apple has created an entire world of incentive to lawfully download. If it's 500,000, then Apple's efforts are a waste. I'd be happy to learn that it's 5 million, but that still doesn't answer why the copyright owners are not doing more to create incentives. If the number is 5 million, this only proves that incentives work!

LTA said...

I hate when Kazaa jacks me.

exMI said...

Which is why you go find an old copy of Kazaa lite which was hacked to take out all of the spyware.